
Content transfered from https://www.posohio.org/wt.html  August 14,2023March 1,2023


I was unable to find the address for the homeowner the news articles nor the GO FUND ME page do not give the address. One thing that is known is this property is in a historic district. Based on the treatment ,someone really wants that property.

For this reason he is jailed longer than any other violator. I can smell the wickeness in this story.

These century old homes cost an arm and a leg to maintain. If people really want to help, reach out to Home Depot,Lowes,builders ,contractors , Habitat for Humanties. and ask them for help.

How can Mr. Ivey make repairs when the judge has caused him to lose his job, by jailing him for over 90 days.

This is another way generational wealth is STOLEN.

An updated story"Man Jailed for Housing violations says he's still committed to making repairs.

February 22,2023


This building should be demolished and the owners thrown under the jail for the illegal acts they have caused upon these tenants.

This is not the only landlord doing this,they know the fine is cheaper than the repairs. They will continue because the system is in dire need of an overhaul.

You have a homeowner in jail for over 90 days for not making repairs and on the other end of the spectrum, slumlords not making repairs to several apartments creating serious health issues for the community and their response is they didn't get a notice but will address them in a couple of months.

In the meantime, they are filing eviction notices to the tenants who complained.

Wake up my People! Stand up !

January 07,2023


When I first heard this story on November 30,2022, the news sent chills down my spine,something just didn't sit well with this story. The person who found the body was the new owner, who purchased it through a Sherrif's Sale. There is NO RECORD of Transfer with the County the property record shows it was in foreclosure.

County Court records CV-20-939332 show the County filed a tax foreclosure on October,20,2020. To see the history and name of the new buyer, search County Court Records- select foreclosure search-type in parcel number 682-24-005.

Court records show the auction was held May 4,2022, sold for $54,600 and the body wasn't discovered until November 30,2022.

The County has not updated the property records to transfer title. Per the County property records Nina Feilden is listed for the 2022 taxes.

Zillow ,Redfin or any other listing do not show a foreclosure or new transfer.

The story was last reported on December 7,2022 with Cuyahoga Medical Examiners office updated stated " no signs of trauma". Notice that the photo show the hedges covering the front porch almost at the roof and grass appear overgrown. On Zillow you see the hedges are cut a bit above the porch railing.

The story was a blip on the news and a few stories reported on the Internet.

Becuase it didn't sit well, I knew based on the limited information there was more to this story. Follow me on this.

Nina Fielden,a 71 year old former, homeowner of Cleveland Heights, purchased 2751 Noble Road,Cleveland Heights ,Ohio 44121, at an approximate age of 64 years old ,on September 30,2015 for $37,000.

The Seller, Nogatan ,LLC purchased the property February 12,2015 for $16,500, within months this company flipped and doubled their money.

During the time on the market with Howard Hanna,the property went through an aggressive sale starting on March 12,2015 at $89,900 with eleven price reductions to July 31,2015 at $49,900 and selling on September 30,2015 for $37,000.

This pricing raises concerns something was wrong with this property.

I found a YouTube video from April 12,2012 when it was for rent @$950 a month. The rent was high, possibly trying to place a Section 8 family in the property. In 2012 this property rent should have been around $500-$600 per month.

The County market value in 2015 was $74.700, how is this possible when the county recorded the transfer at $16,500 in February 2015 and $37,000 in September 2015.

County tax records show that former owner Stephen Mayeri disputed the taxes in 2008 that it was over valued by $109,000 and again in 2009 for over value of $101,600 he purchased the property on April 2, 2008 for $15,000. How can the county jump from $15K to a $100K market value.

December 22,2010 Urban Residential Housing ,LLC filed a quitclaim deed. February 12,2015 they transfered the property back to Stephen Mayeri at no cost ,who sold it to Nogatan ,LLC for $16,500 on February 12,2015.

Taxes over the years of Nina Feilden's ownership were as followed:

How can they justify these taxes when there are NO permits or Improvements on file?

2015- Taxes -$3,533.67 Market Value $74,700

Red Flag: purchased property months later, taxes came out she failed to pay.

2016-Taxes -$7,545.26- Market Value- $74,700

Delinquent taxes and grass cutting from 2015 .

2017-Taxes -$11,913.82-Market Value $74,700

Delinquent taxes ,sewer, grass cutting from 2015 and 2016.

2018- Taxes-$17,666,30 Market Value $91,400

Delinquent taxes,sewer, grass cutting from 2015- 2017.

2019- Taxes-$23,822.23 Market Value- $91,400

Delinquent taxes,sewer, grass cutting from 2015-2018.

2020- Taxes-$31,074.23 Market Value -$91,400

Delinquent taxes,sewer, grass cuttting,special clean up,landfill from 2015-2019

2021-Taxes- $38,850.39- Market Value -$101,500

Delinquent taxes,sewer,grass cutting,special clean up,landfill from 2015-2020.

2022- Taxes - $49,158.64 Market Value -$101,500

Delinquent taxes,sewer,grass cutting,special clean up,landfill from 2015-2021.

Based on the information I collected, the property was paid for, free and clear, as this was a tax foreclosure ,the homeowner could not pay her taxes or make a payment plan. There was no pile of mail or newspapers to alert someone that something is wrong. Who was paying the utilty bills?

Also note this is a Cleveland Heights Landmark property.

After you review the court docket, transfer history ,and tax history you can come to your own conclusion.



1492 Taylor Street

Cleveland Heights 44118

According to Cuyahoga County Property records taxes on this $100K property racked up $49,825 in 2017 due to back taxes starting from 2010 . The property rollercoaster of transfers:

August 2, 2005- $166K

Looks like Shady is making its move.

four years $146K reduction in price!

March 26,2009 -$20K

Listed for rent November 13,2018

Rental removed January 9,2019

October 15,2019- $10K

Wow Nellie!

February 26,2022- $79,999 listed

March 20,2022 pending

BOR FILED 2009,2012&2013 with no reductions!

Change in value requested

$84,900* $51,500 &$51,500

County value was

$114,900 *$111,500 *$111,500

ALL not Equal nor Welcome!


This is an example of what is placed on the market for sale rather than demolished. Currently listed on Zillow as of 03/29/2022

How long are they going to keep rehashing these dilapidated properties?

Check out the photos online. 

919 Caledonia Avenue

Cleveland Heights OH 44118

3BD 2 BTH Listed $58K price reduced $49,900

"Buyer to assume escrow POS ....POS on ORDER"

If you noticed the Zestimate was below $20K in 2020 jumped to $100K and fell down to $60K.

What should be on order is a permit for a tear down! They would rather patch up this mess than tear it down. Property has been changing hands from $17K to $58K.

The sad part about it, the investor will buy the property and turn it into a cheap rental or sell it with major issues.

The biggest misfortunes will come to the family that buys or rent this property as they will assume it was a full rehab up to code because it was approved by the city and their home inspector.

One of the many home options in Cleveland Heights. listed on Zillow. FYI: Z ESTIMATE $54,400

BOR requested 2009 denied and 2013 granted reduced property value to $21,000 .

???? ??????????? CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 44118


POS inspection have been in effect since 1977 ,the city government and the people appear to be happy as clams singing ALL are Welcome with this questionable housing system.

This is one of the less fortunate housing options you have in Cleveland Heights. People are angry and can't do a darn thing about it.

January 01,1975 property owned unknown years prior, two years after the POS went into effect in 1977 the owner sold.

June 25,1979 sold $37,500 owner stayed for 18 years doubled the price.

July 31,1997 sold $67K this owner paid the most for the property and will enter into a series of penalties of taxes until foreclosed.

2008-2012 the property was owner occupied taxes were current $3,568 market value was $114K.

over the years penalties started to pile on the property racking up $18,528.

2012 The property became a rental taxes racked up to $59,867.48 in 2019.

April 04,2014 Sheriffs deed $12,000

Sometime in 2016 the property was torn down leaving a land value of $14,800 in 2019 and later to a zero value.

February 12,2021 entered in the the Land Reutilization program for zero dollars.

The most disturbing part is that over the years there are no records that any owner ever disputed their taxes! Generational wealth STOLEN!

All Not Equal nor Welcome!


2079 East Ninth Street  Cleveland ,OH 44115



You can visit the Cuyahoga website and find a treasure troll of information. Zillow and other real estate websites will show listings.
If an Investor sold you a property type in their name to see how many properties they are currently flipping.

For example: JJ Real Estate Solutions, LLC Jeremiah and Jenna Johnson, former owners/investor/realtor of 2591 Lee Road, currently have eight properties.

They are building generational wealth for their family by any means possible. According to Zillow, as of March 29,2022 Jenna Johnson has sold 77 properties after she sold 2591 Lee Road and five currently for sale.

Tanesha Speed, MBA( My Bull@@@@ Agent) , a realtor of Color has sold 32 properties and two currently listed.
They all have a roof over their heads and selling with no negative impact from the public or authority.
Collectively and with the help of others involved in the sale ,they were able to bankrupt my life because they allegedly failed to disclose the POS inspection prior to making an offer (SPEED) and the sellers (JOHNSON) failed to fully disclose excessive repairs.
Each year around December 28 through March 31 you can submit a dispute for your property taxes. Thanks to COVID it's all online. Prior to your appointment take photos submit them via email:BORinfo@CuyahogaCounty.us

Tell them what the property value . support it with repairs needed. If they deny you appeal it. If you lose file again next year but DISPUTE these high @@@ taxes!!!

Click here for the Board of Review!


All Rights Reserved for copyrights content of www.posohio.org and www.pointofsaleinspection.com 2020 and beyond.