Content trasfered from August 14,2023


I BEG THE DIFFER. REALLY!   03/29/2022

This is my opinion and experience of owning property and residing in this city where they claim "All are Welcome".  Kudos to the marketing department, who put this video together.  On the webpage you can read a brief note and watch the video ALL ARE WELCOME. How many tax dollars were spent to make this video? For unknown reasons, the city of Cleveland Heights felt a need to showcase their city and paint a fairy tale of a city in a one minute 45 second video. If this fairy tale was all true and wide spread in the city, there would be at least 70,000 residents, no vacancies and the housing market would be on Forbes magazine top list of places to relocate ,work, live and retire. Cleveland Heights made a claim to have fabulous housing options. I beg the differ, a Point of Sale Inspection placed on a persons most valued asset with select enforcement is not a fabulous housing option.  A city ranked in the top cities for highest property taxes, in Cuyahoga County does not make it affordable, nor fabulous. Fabulous: extraordinary, amazingly good, wonderful, superb, exceptionally good, none of the words related to fabulous do I relate to Cleveland Heights.  Ben Rector's, song Home has a country upbeat banjo and country twang, with a man yearning to go home. If you get a chance, read the lyrics. He is singing about traveling to California and after his arrival, he wants to come back home to Nashville, Tennessee. Last, I checked Nashville, was not a diverse city.  For those that want to see Rector, in concert he will be in Columbus Ohio, May 13,2022 with no other concerts for the state of Ohio in 2022. Visit You Tube and you will see the video was posted November 9,2021, with only 794 views as of March 27,2022, the comments are turned off, also note there are 463 subscribers, hundreds of important government/city videos with a total of 56,740 views.  If residents are so happy, the city would welcome their comments and there would be thousands of subscribers/views. The low viewership and subscribers are strong indicators that citizens don't care about this fairy tale city.  A population of over 40,000 residents this is sad in itself. If residents are this happy there should be at minimum, 20,000 views for the All are Welcome video alone.  On a different note, Why do Cleveland Heights need a Racial Task Force? The last meeting on March 23,2022 has less than 15 views, FYI there were 12 video participants.  The most popular video was five years ago a promotional video posted on April 27,2017 a 6 minute and 40 second video with 2,506 views. After that video the number of views falls into three digit or double digit views for well over 600 videos. That is a sad state of affairs.  The 2021 promotional video appears to target or showcase People of Color to this city. Watch the 2017 video and watch the 2021 to see the difference in placement of People of Color.  The 2021 video focused on more things People of Color enjoy basketball, reggae, BBQ, Church and People of Color enjoying themselves sprinkled in among the majority groups at events and showcasing children of Color in well equipped school or educational setting.  After two solid years of surviving in Cleveland Heights I believe that I was lured here intentionally as a stream of revenue for this city, and possibly other People of Color.  For example, the Realtor Boards found no unethical acts that two Realtors did when transferring the property. One of the realtors involved was part owner of the property.  The Title Company didn't see anything wrong with the transfer and even if they did they added a "Hold Harmless" to their contract.  The Agency for Housing discrimination received and gathered information from me and quickly shut it down, by saying its not our jurisdiction, but you can pursue them in court.  City and state Agencies were contacted none of them saw anything wrong.  Law firms were standing by waiting on me to call to have their receptionist tell me we are not taking new clients or we have a conflict of interest with the parties or it will cost you $20K to start but our advice to you is to leave this alone ,its not a winnable case. People of Color are the second largest group almost equal yet they are sprinkled through out the video.  Check out the data to see how People of Color stack up in this city. Apparently, having a BBQ and playing music must be allowed in a controlled environment because a neighbor called police on me for celebrating a Holy day for having a cookout and playing music. Throughout the video it shows different parts of Cleveland Heights that are picture book perfect. Well maintained houses, manicured lawns and a wealthy business commerce. In my travels, I see pot holes, unkempt lawns, houses in need of repairs, poverty, businesses closed, and a slow business economy. Although there are patches of well maintained homes ,smooth roads and a few businesses thriving its not the majority of this eight mile city.  Judge Lynn Toler of Divorce Court was born in Columbus ,Ohio served as judge eight years in Cleveland Heights Municipal Court. I'm almost certain Judge Toler saw some POS MESS in her years. In addition, she taught Civil Rights law and Women Rights Law at Ursuline College.  She now lives in Mesa, Arizona far away from this POS MESS.  They could not push Judge Toler around and any Person of Color who tries to raise up against Cleveland Heights alleged select enforcement they collectively shut you down.My contribution to help residents and future buyers understand what they are buying into was to read Chapter 1329 Point of Sale Cleveland Heights Ordinance and 1311.99 Penalty and posted it on 2591 Lee Road You tube Channel.  It is a known fact that most people are intimidated by complex legal jargon but if read out aloud to them they can get a better understanding. the 18 minute 24 second video has been viewed 16,892 times since November 17,2020 as of March 28 2022, the views are higher than any video posted on Cleveland Heights You Tube Channel since 2011.  It is my daily prayer that the most vulnerable people listen to this video and make the necessary changes to move their families to greener pastures.  This is not affordable housing and there is a higher possibility you will not build generational wealth under the current POS laws coupled with higher taxes. In my opinion, this POS Mess breeds white collar crimes that will never be prosecuted.  Generational wealth is stolen as easy as taking candy from a baby. No matter how long that baby cries he or she will never get their candy back. The penalty for a POS violation is a misdemeanor, a minor wrong doing, when it should be a felony.  A person posing as an investor can steal a quarter of million dollar property and its a misdemeanor. A $1000 and /or six months in jail is a calling card for shady investors. There is no recovery for victims of POS crimes. Everyone involved in the transfer of 2591 Lee Road, February 2020 had no interruption in their business. It was business as usual. What the city did not include are excessive taxes and Point of Sale Inspections  that could bankrupt your @@@ if you do not have the POS POWER in this fabulous housing community.  All are welcome? The word welcome means to receive gladly into one's presence or companionship* willingly permitted or admitted* giving pleasure or delight.  The welcome wagon that I received in Cleveland Heights was the exact opposite, visit to see the welcome wagon that rolled over me.  The only reason residents do not make a stink over it, is because they live in fear of retaliation that would cause them to lose their jobs. Anyone thinking of relocating to Cleveland Heights should make a visit to the city or visit and read how an alleged mortgage fraud carried out by a group of professionals bandits. The stagnated population speaks for itself, prior to the POS, in 1977, the population was around 60,000,the population dropped and never recovered.  Take a look at the population chart. Over 30 years have passed and the city haven't recovered or surpassed 60,000 residents. Learn about Cuyahoga County Foreclosure foreclosure process.  I say again where is this fabulous housing in Cleveland Heights?   If you get a POS Escrow that you cannot pay and not make the repairs you are setting yourself up for a legal battel with the city for VIOLATIONS of the POS Ordinance.  

F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!   For some people the POS will be enforced to the fullest extent and backed by their courts.  Hence, NO ONE is rolling that dice except for those with POS POWER or those that are ready to walkaway and give their property to an investor to salvage their credit. FABULOUS! If the POS escrow dont gut you alive, them high @@@ property taxes will bankrupt your @@@.  #@%$#@&$#! It takes more than a census number to say you have a diverse city. A diverse city comes with treating the population equally in jobs, housing, religion, sexual orientations and overall quality of life.  All the people should have a voice. Government by the people and for the people. This POS is in place to control certain people and unleash financial hell on their life. You cannot rent or sell your property without the city approval, often making repairs you don't want or need to make and posting a large escrow to the city.  Placing unnecessary inspections and high taxes on property, drastically limits the number of buyers and landlords. How in the heck is that fabulous housing  options? In no way would say I have had a fabulous housing experience.  Please subscribe to 2591 Lee Road You Tube Channel for upcoming videos!  


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