7 Caucasians

Content  transferred  from  https://www.posohio.org/7caucasians.html

August 14,2023

                           2 CAUCASIANS

Published Februaury 07,2023

7:26 p.m.

It must be an initiation of gangs around here, the same situation pops off again. This time two Caucasians were sent on the 7th of February 2023, in the seven o'clock hour to provoke fear in me.

Walking up on my property like they have authority.

From the time they were walking on the sidewalk,northbound on Lee Road, the lead idiot kept his hands in his coat pockets. As he came on the property he started bending over looking at my yard decorations. The rear idiot snapped a few pictures and stayed on the edge of the steps as a look out.

Again the same scenerio, I haven't been outside since February 2,2023 and have not answered any phone calls/text messages from so called investors.

This could have went real wrong, real bad, real fast in the 38 seconds they were on my property.

It's the same seedy, sour, sick @@@ souls sending children to do their dirty work.

Photo edited and distorted by Princess Ada Israel.

All rights reserved.

Time on property 7:25:59 to 7:26:37

While I'm not a lawyer all these acts are ethinic intimidation and/or hate crimes.


December 27,2022  updated  January 07.2023

7:07 p.m.

Photos edited and distorted by 

 Princess Ada Israel   All Rights Reserved.

This looks like a gang or club initiation, someone may have dropped them off at the corner. After not responding to the so called investors, someone decided to send in 7 Caucasians because wildlife is not working.

Also note that in the past year they have sent 7 skunks and 7 racco0ns all at the same time.

Someone is making this personal.

Time-8:10:28 p.m.

Bold as gold,didn't give a damn attitude,they were on a mission. Notice the guy in the plaid shirt has no hoodie , he could be a young adult or the leader in the mix of teenagers. The rear or fallback guy is the look out for police.
Time 8:10:43

The front guy turns to give instruction or volunteer to go to the door. This is the blue zone ,they don't know what is behind the door and I dont know what they have under their jackets. Just them huddling on my property anything could have popped off.

Time: 8:10:44p.m.

At 55 seconds on the property ,7 Caucasians males uninvited came to a single Woman of Color property univited , at night. To the head cluck that is running these scare manuervers, shut it down before this block jump off the chain.

You are endangering everyone on this block with your childish bullshit.

Lives could have been snuffed out because someone needed a damn giggle for the night.

Time: 8:10:53 p.m.

Nobody in their right mind is opening the door to 7 Caucasians hooded, uninvited and unknown appearing to look like a gang of thugs. A lot could have really went wrong here. This is pure intimidation, a threat and possibly a hate crime or ethinic intimidation because they all saw my Menorah in the window and knew a Woman of Color resided at this address.

Why, because I will not answer my phone, to these crack head investors and give them this property. This real estate is getting to be to darn real.

Time: 8:10:55 p.m.

The turned around and marched off the property. Notice the fall back guy is now leading out in front of the leader and everyone else is behind the leader. Two of the guys took their hoodies off when they arrived at the steps ,as if under command.

They are acting under a legal advisor or someone who may know about the law based on their actions.

The reason adults use a teeanger for crimes is because it goes on their juvenile record which is sealed.

Time: 8:11:08 p.m.

They were walking at a casual pace,as if they left from visiting family or the geta way vehicle was nearby,in case I called the police.

Someone neededed to put tracks on my walkway.

Someone needed confirmation that I was at the property.

Someone really want me to give them my property for less than I paid . I think this is mortgage fraud or extortion.

They all walked in snow slush, over a foot deep, for over 90 feet, in gym shoes.

This 62 second stunt could have easily turned to a tradgey to this community.

Time:8:11:35 p.m.


December 27,2022  updated    January 07,2023 7:07 p.m.

To the cowards,who sent their gang of teenagers to my property,around 8:10 p.m. on December 27,2022,you all need mental help.

Because I'm blinking and your house is not blinking,you need to send a crew of misfits to case my property,when you thought I was away,since you had not seen me for a few days.

The seven silly teenagers appeared to be all Caucasians males,wearing hoodies,came from southbound on Lee Road with the intent to trample and prowl and possibly break in ,if the property was vacant.

They left walking southbound ,in a causal walk after I told them to leave the property.

The possible reason why someone sent these teenagers to my property is a scare tactic.

Someone is training their children to hate,disrespect and trespass upon other people's property.

Someone is planting seeds in these young minds they are invincible.

It's a coincedence ,after I removed my sign and decorations,so called investors started blowing up my phone with calls/text messages and porn text,claiming they want to buy before the end of the year.

Starting on the 23rd of December to the last text/ call a few hours before the arrival of seven teenagers.

It's a coincedence that my Internet went down on the 22nd after I removed my sign to the 26th of December. Spectrum stated they needed to come inside my house to make the repairs and quickly made an appointment for the 23rd of December,which I declined. More details about the questionable outage will be posted on the Utility page.

April 2021 I drove to California to close out my storage locker and returned with a small trailer. During that week I received no text messages from Spectrum that my service was down.

March 2021, I removed the property off the market ,no investors contacted me during the month of April 2021.

There were no trespassers on the property per the video survelliance. For the above reasons, I know this is the works of hatemongers in close proximity.

The teenagers did not make me place the sign back on the post nor did they make me shovel my snow these tasks were set for December 28th and not a day sooner.

This little joke could have went really wrong,check out the story below. Parents keep your children off my property,their photos have been archived for future reference.

When the People of Color move off the block who will be the next people on the block bully's list?

The ring leader of this hillbilly network is having a hissy fit at the thought that I'm moving on away from this insane bullcrap.

Each and everyone should take a look at the new changes that went into effect April 6,2021 to"Stand Your Ground" Ohio Castle law.

In the situation, that presented itself on December 27,2022, I had every right to defend myself with any force needed from the second they stepped on my property. I was outnumbered 7 to 1 and harassed prior by investors to sell my house. The end of the year was three days away and I didn't know if the so called investors were sending out their crew to rough me up.

To all the potential Buyers who have ever contacted me from 2020 to present I have all the emails,phone calls,text messages and voice mails archived.

No legitimate investor/realtor would get involved with this property knowing the repair status and the circumstances that it was sold under. For this reason, I know it is someone who is alledgely stalking me and have been since 2020.

The teens were on the property for 62 seconds had I not said anything there is no telling how long or what they would have done.

OHIO Contact for Hate Crimes

Ohio's new stand your ground law is in effect.

Grand jury declines to indict homeowner in deadly Shelby County shooting.

Tuscon police:Armed backyard trespasser,shot killed

Florida homeowner who shot intruders won't face charges,police say.

Homeowner confesses to shooting teenage trespassers.

Two juveniles killed in gunfire exchange after trespassing in backyard.

Two Ohio teens shot by homeowner after allegedly trespassing. 

Woman fires shots at home intruders

No Charges for Resident Who Shot 2 Teens in his Yard.

Check out others who came uninvited to my property. Muck the trespassing sign.


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