Content transferred from https://www.posohio.org/fcc.html August 14,2023

March 12,2023


For at least seven days, I was not able to publish my website due to server migration and C panel installation. The publishing ,now,takes longer,incorrect font,missing color for background and offset paragraphs,hopefully it will improve over time.

Will this happen again ? It is possible.

Why? Because I choose not to build my own server, because it cost thousands to build, requires a stable location and ongoing maintenance.

Even with my own server, the Powers to be control the Internet.

As an activist, we are at the mercy of those that provide these services.

Always refresh the page for the latest updates.

March 6,2023


The devil is always busy. In case you did not notice www.posohio.org did not publish on March 1,2023 and as of March 6,2023 still pending.

On March 1,2023,per my webhosting provider claimed they are upgrading the C-panel and it will take some time to upgrade. At the time only posohio.org and 777defender.com were not pushing . My other domains with the company were publishing until March 4,2023 when they shut all my domains down.

This announcement was made in January 2023 to all subscribers they were upgrading. On January 15,2023 they sent me a notice informing me that on Janaury 19,2023 between 10:00 pm and 8:00am they would perform the scheduled upgrade and I would not be able to publish or use other services.

On January 19,2023 they emailed me to say they needed me to change my nameservers before Febraury 10,2023 or my services would be down.

On January 20,2023 I called my webhosting provider to walk me through changing the nameservers.

Afterwhich, I was told they were complete. On January 29,2023, I published my website with no problems.

On March 01,2023, I am unable to publish, they claimed it was C-Panel migration- They sent no notification which was a red flag and nobody knows when the migration will complete, another red flag.

Based on the events that went on in the month of February ,I believe someone is holding back the publishing of to www.posohio.org. and 777defender.com

As of March 6,2023 tech support continues to inform me it will be days or unknown.

If I was slandering someone they could stop me from publishing false information.

In my case, I give the People my sources which are public data to verify for themselves. As for the wildlife, I have video to back up my sightings.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to have decorations on my yard or have my vehicle parked in my driveway or have my sign close to the sidewalk like everyone else on the block.

What the hatemongers don't understand when they block my Internet and publishing they are indirectly letting the people know that I have some important information.

Someone did not want me publising the questionable bullcrap that went on in the prior weeks.

Lesson learned, never put all your websites with one web hosting provider.

Always refresh to get the latest updates.

March 01,2023


The storty above is being deleted off most media outlets. If this happens with this link Google the title to see if there is another link.

To the future owners of 2591 Lee Road. TEAR THIS PROPERTY DOWN TO THE GROUND.

To many suspicious activities have happened and continue to happen. Everytime I call Spectrum about my slow Internet it will return to normal speed and days or weeks later, this sick, sour @@@ hacker, start this bull crap again.


January 29,2023

After watching this sick video and based on

the questionable events that have

occured and continue to occur at 2591 Lee

Road, since February 14,2020.

I believe someone has installed a

device to listen and/or watch me.

There was plenty of time and opportunity to

set up an elaborate system with the property

vacant for months.

For this reason,when I vacate this property,it

should be torn down to the ground.

July 17,2022


After posting the FCC information in April 2022 the hacking of my radio stopped suddenly. It recently started again, after posting the investor comments on July 12,2022 on the foreclosure page. This coward waits until I fall asleep to turn my Bible study off.

To the eavesdropper(s) I have a special recording for your @@@ that will be played on loop for hours, contained within my property. The same one doing this bull#$#$% is the same one releasing the animals.

Keep it up with you sour, sack of sickness.

I'm sick and tired of you violating my space, my right to worship, and years of documenting your secret infestation.

I know you are reading my website because every time I update it or change my sign here comes a nasty rodent and or my radio turned off.

Go ahead call the police, let's make it a public official documented matter.





Since purchasing this property the electrical issues on this property have been problematic.

I started to notice that my radio and Internet would be turned off when I would play religious music online or using my MP3 player.

If I played NPR radio I had no dropped signals.

After taking the property off the market, I noticed signal dropping around February 2021.

By December 2021 the signal dropping became more often.

After conducting research, testing my electrical outlets and purchasing new equipment the signal dropping continued.

I discovered that it is highly possible someone in close proximity is using a signal jammer or frequency blocker.

I relocated my radio from the kitchen ,to the dining room to the master bedroom and the radio would be shut down within minutes of turning it on or I left the room.

All the rooms along side the driveway are impacted with dropped signal. No other rooms are impacted.

Also note the radio playing in the kitchen can only be heard by someone using a listening device, or a device was installed while the property was vacant or by someone walking in the driveway there is a faint sound of a radio playing.

The latest signal dropping was recorded, as it went on for hours with me playing two radios, one upstairs and one down stairs. Both of the radios play fine in other rooms.

In addition, I had a witness on video chat recording on their side in case this situation escalated.

April 4,2022 was my confirmation and evidence I needed to confirm their is a signal blocker in close proximity.

I searched the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) website to discover this is a possible signal jammer, a federal violation.

After the sign setback 20 feet, February 28,2022, the signal dropping increased more often.

If you are having suspicious signal dropping, it is a high possibility that someone is using a signal blocker/ jammer.

You can file a complaint online,

phone 1-888-225-5322,

video call 1-844-432-2275

or fax 1-866-418-0232 with the FCC.

Mon.- Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

All Rights Reserved for copyrights content of www.posohio.org and www.pointofsaleinspection.com 2020 and beyond.Â