Content transfered from August 14,2023

February 21,2023  


When I inquired how 2591 Lee Road was transfered without a clearance letter, to a County clerk, she responded ,we don't need a city clearance letter that's a city issue, not a county issue.

I say BULLCRAP. This is the loophole that shady investors are using to comit mortgage fraud. Had the county required, the clearance letter this property would not have been sold in 2020.

This is one extra document that would stop investors from dumping properties on innocent buyers.

Possible reason why the county choose to turn a blind eye is because they reap the fruits of the mortgage fraud. The property will more than likely pay a higher tax.

In my case, taxes jumped from $4,300 to $9,000 . now do that with a hundred or more properties and they will get an increase in revenue.

Fedbruary 16,2023 updated  February 23,2023

Asked the paper thrower to stop throwing paper in my yard @6:39 a.m.

I met the paper thrower with video rolling asked him to stop throwing paper in my yard in the early morning of February 16,2023.

This driver is littering the block with a paper nobody reads. Hopefully this will stop the litterbug.

License plate and photo of driver archived.

Amazing I asked the paper thrower to stop throwing paper in my yard and he didn't throw any papers on February 23,2023, why because this fool was sent to harass me.

February 09,2023


In the early morning on Febraury 09,2023 I parked my truck in the driveway. Hours later ,around 7:00 a.m the paper was tossed in my driveway as well as everyone on the block.

I called the Sun News, who claimed that if I didn't have a subscription they could not address the issue.

I requested the mamger of the carriers and was told they can't release that information.

Because I dont' have a subscription they don't know what driver is throwing the paper.

Sun News suggested that I contact the police to find out who is throwing papers.

This also another way Sun News is gathering lead generation information. When I called in they asked for my phone number .home address , name and email addreess to look up my account. I declined to give my name and email address becasue they had my phone number from caller id and I gave them my address.

They were able to stop the paper two weeks ago but can't without me having a subscription.

February 01,2023


On January 19,2023 ,I contacted Sun News to cease throwing papers in my yard, that I did not request. I informed the clerk of the questionable behavior with the driver,they agreed no more papers.

Thursday, January 26,2023, came thererwere no papers thown on the yards within my view.

Sunday,January 29,2023 on or a few minutes after midnight I published the story below this would be 10 days after contacting Sun News,

Around 2:05 a.m a hobbling crackhead called the popo about my lights and continued to come by days after taking pictures, standing near my driveway or across the street.

What a coincidence? Rush hour for crackheads are between the hours of midnight to 5:00 a.m..

There were some other details I discovered in the video that were shared only with my family in the event this crackhead want to take it to another level.


On January 12,2023, in the early morning a vehicle equipped with a spotlight, drove very slow shining their spotlight on all the houses.

When the vehicle arrived at the driveway of 2599 Lee Road, the spotlight stayed on my cameras until they passed my property and tossed a paper in my driveway. The vehicle turned around at the corner and breifly shined the light on the houses across the street, tossing papers.

The next morning, a dog walker pauses and stops in front of my driveway, near the paper and appears to be texting, It snowed that weekend,the paper stayed in my driveway and I tossed the paper in the trash on Wednesday,as it was unreadable.

January 19,2023, in the early morning, the driver tossed the paper in the grass, as well as all the houses on the block ,as far as I could see on the block. I took pictures of the paper on my yard and other houses on the block with the paper.

I called Sun News, minutes after coming into the house. While on the phone, the dog walker returned pausing ,stopping in front of my driveway and possibly texting.

Coincedently, while on the phone and the dog walker standing near the driveway with their phone out, a so called investor called me.

Paper throwing is one of the oldest methods thieves use to commit home invasions. They pick up a stack of papers and slow roll with a spotlight in the neighborhood, to see if anyone will pop their lights on and case the block for police and traffic.

Winter time is perfect because they can conseal their tools and stash under their coat. Also this is a marker for thieves, if the paper is not picked up ,they can assume the property is vacant.

If you did not subscribe to the Sun News call 216-515-2002 to stop this creep from littering your property and shining spotlights on your house.

Sun News stated they would stop throwing papers in my yard.

I did not see papers out on the block 01/26/20223 maybe the snow covered the paer. The paper is thown between 3:00 a.m and 5:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings ,when most people are sleeping and just before the joggers and walkers start their morning. 

July 17,2022


June 12,2022




JUNE 05,2022 updated.

These scams are real I have experienced similar scams on this property.

1. Water Meter Reader - Per Cleveland Heights they do not send meter readers to the property, it is automated.

A man posing as a water meter reader came onto my property walked to the rear, with a gadget in his hand, wearing a vest with the word WATER on the back. He took a few pictures with his cell phone, after I yelled at him he hurried off the property.

2. Solicitors - These people wear badges and often carry a clipboard or tablet to make themselves look legit. I have a no trespassing and no solicitor sign posted on my property, one visible from the street, a legitimate solicitor will not come onto the property with those signs posted.

3. Walking Utility Contractor- Recently someone posing as a utility contractor carrying a stick attached to a box came upon the property. He walked up the driveway across the yard ,staying close to the house to the porch, where he then went down the hillside. I watched him visit other houses on the block, he walked a straight line to the house and came off the property.

4. Driving Contractors- Months ago a man posing as an electrician came upon my property ,shortly after I left my house. He stayed on the property for 20 minutes running around the house ringing the doorbell, knocking on the door, carrying a device in his hand and running to his van side door. He then turned his truck around in the back driveway and begin smoking what appeared to be a narcotic pipe.

I contacted the company to ask why was this electrician on my property, they claimed he was given the wrong address. On the company webpage, I Googled his name to find that he lives within minutes from my house.

5. Mail Carriers- Because the USPS do not all wear official uniforms for part time or new employees. People posing as mail carriers often come before the real mail carrier so it does not look out of order. Thanks to surveillance video I can see they do not go to the regular houses on the block. They are often sent to my property to harass me or try to provoke me to yell at them or trying to case the property for a robbery.

I do not receive USPS mail at this property on sometimes I will have a parcel from USPS. The only reason these fake carriers and part time mail carriers are trampling across my property is because someone sent them.

I have a family member who is a supervisor for route carriers, who informed me that mail carriers are not to trample on your lawn. When the route is established someone has walked the route for a set amount of days using the sidewalks to deliver mail. This time is then increased for winter delivery. The postal carrier who is cutting through yards is shaving off time from the route to take extended lunch or rest periods.

Mailman Robber-Man robbed at gunpoint after staged delivery.

As far as people with badges and wearing a vest with some company logo, anyone can purchase these items to blend into the community.

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