
Content transfered from https://www.posohio.org/posi.html August 14,2023


02/14/2020 Never forget the wicked acts of

the Collective so called PROFESSIONALS in home buying and Authorities policing real estate , mortgage fraud ,code enforcement and housing discrimination in Cleveland Heights ,Ohio 44118

January 29,2023

It's coming up on the 3rd year anniversary, February 14,2020, when a group of professionals allegedly ,collectively conspired with intent, stole over a quarter of a million dollars, lured/enslaved a Woman of Color,military veteran, drained her bank account and not a damn thing has happened to them. BUYER BEWARE OF BUYING PROPERTY IN CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, it appears to be select enforcement of the city ordinances for certain people. The transfer of 2591 Lee Road,Cleveland Heights, 44118, WAS NOT transferred in accordance to Cleveland Heights Point of Sale Inspection Ordinance (POSI).

It's a @#@@#@% living nightmare BUYER BEWARE. IF YOU DON'T HAVE POSI POWER avoid Cleveland Heights, buy where there is no POSI. In my opinion and experience the city ordinances are used at their convenience. If you can't retain legal counsel because they all have a conflict of interest ,this might be a city you want to avoid.In my opinion, this is a Sh#%@#@# City, dumping on certain people and don't give a damn because they assume they are holding all the cards.

Who gained from this tragedy,realtors,title company, the City/County, taxes on this property more than doubled,utility companies, local merchants and contractors all made/making out like bandits. Tragedy: an event causing great suffering,destructtion,and distress,such as a serious accident,crime,or natural catastrophe.-Oxford Dictionary

It's a fact, tragedy brings prosperity, so this dung hill will continue to go on as this is considered revenue for this city. Think about all the major news tragedies that have occured ,the city and merchants made out like bandits charging double, triple for their food and services.

Based on my experience and research, there are more silent tragedies this POSI area that will never be known because of intimidation and lack or community support. A single property sold can easily generate $100K in revenues for the local merchants and property taxes.

Below are some forms of silent tragedies. Foreclosures are silent tragedies families losing their property over excessive taxes and grass cutting liens. Most foreclosures do not make it to court thanks to save your home programs and investors waiting to save your credit with creative financing. The save your home programs have a stake in your property if you accept their assistant,read the fine print.

In all the properties(12 total), that I have owned, combined, nationwide, I have never had so many "investors" contact me with their creative financing, that seems to be questionable to out right shady. Investors,one fraud does not trump another fraud.

Another silent tragedy is when a homeowner places their house on the market, the appraisal comes in very low and they are forced to sell to avoid another POSI.

Another silent tragedy is when the county appraise your property lower,shortly after purchase. I paid $232,500 for this property with an apprasial of $260K and the County knocked it down to $216K a year later.

Former owner, Jenks had an appraisal for $240K , the County market value taxed the property for $240K . Later Jenks disputed his 2018 taxes of $240K because he sold to the Johnson's in 2019 for $100K.The County reduced the value by $140K for their 2018 property value.

 At my recent property tax appeal hearing, the Judge asked the lawyer for the County, why wasn't my property taxed at $232,500 if the County wanted proof from me of the value such as a recent sale or appraisal.Counsel could not answer. Jenna and Jeremiah Johson had the highest aprasied value and made the highest sale on the property to date. 

They paid $100K within eight months flipped it for $232,500 without a signed POSI from the Buyer. Former homeowner Hansen sold to Jenks, who sold to Johnson, all have a clearance letter from the City of Cleveland Heights and signed POSI by the Buyers all PRIOR to transfer.Israel has no clearance letter from the Cty of Cleveland Heights and was given the acknowledgement letter to sign 11 days after closing, by a clerk from City of Cleveland Heights. This is another form of silent tragedy.

Last but not least, the lender can make a claim with the VA up to $58K, due to foreclosure and I would have to pay that money back to the VA, lose all or part of my entitlement to buy a future property with no money down.I earned this entitlement for serving in the miltary, with an honorable discharge. 

If this lender files the claim and the VA pays out it may take years of fighting and paying for another alleged fraud. As you can see from the information above, one house can bring in many streams of income for serveral companies and have one person suffer from a silent tragedy. Every time I see a moving truck, in this area of POSI cities, I ask myself is this another silent tragedy.

Black Homeowner Sue after Racist Appraisal of their House.

Now ask your self are you a silent tragedy bringing prosperity to Cleveland Heights.

Sooner or later the people will rise up and bring this city to it's knees. You can't keep stealing people homes,livelihood and treating them like slaves forever. ALL not EQUAL nor WELCOME!!!

JUNE 09,2009

Former owners Hansen owned the property since or before 1970 when they were ready to sell the escrow for repairs was $995. with a few minor repairs to make.  A copy of the inspection is found on



Former Owners Jenks purchased from Hansen and for whatever reason requested a POS inspection.

Fourteen months later the escrow and repairs jumped to $8550. Jenks appealed and it was reduced to $3,375.

For whatever reason Jenks did not sell the property in 2010 or 2011 before the inspection expired. A permit to build a new garage is also on County file in 2011.

Also note Jenks is a tax accountant.

A copy of the inspection can be found on


APRIL 10,.2019

March 14,2019 Jenks had a buyer and title company lined up to purchase the property for $121,000. A letter was sent to the city they needed an inspection.  To their surprise the escrow required was $43,650. The buyer did not buy the property.

At sometime between April and June they struck a deal with Jenna and Jerimiah Johnson of  JJ Real Estate Solutions,LLC. The city reduced the escrow to $15,650 .

Having a $43,650 escrow reduced Jenks Buyer's pool to those with deep pockets or POS Power.  This creative solution required Jenks to place $15,650 in escrow and the investors bought the property for $100K.

Jenks escrow was disbursed in two installments for $5,200 and $10,450 after the POS inspection was approved December 30,2019.


Jenks made improvements  and had two inspections

that were reduced but required repairs.  They sold their property to investors for $21K less and had to place $15,650 in escrow. They did whatever it took to get out from under this beast of a POS.

This is placing your family generational wealth in government hands.

These century old homes can easily rack up tens of thousands with the exterior inspection alone. \Avoid buying into this beast it is not your friend.


They offer no guarantee or warranty for the repairs.

Example : The electrical box was over loaded . Tree debris was stacked as wide and as tall on the property behind the garage when I closed in February 2020, shortly after the approval December 30,2019.

Some homeowners will be quoted higher rates because they need the repairs for approval. I was quoted $12K for dead tree removal in the back yard an item that was checked off on the 2019 inspection report.

I am unable to sale or rent the property due to the city inspections.

The property will not sell for $232,500 even with the improvements the most anyone offered was $100k.

If not for COVID and travel bans I would had abandoned this property.

Thanks to the diabolical team and lack of city enforcement of its own city ordinance I have lost everything, I will be homeless ,with a foreclosure on my credit for seven years.


Some homeowners will not get the full or fair report of the property because the inspectors are helping the sellers.

The homeowner hire their own home inspector and hope they are honest with repairs needed.

In my case the Home inspections was a ripoff. The electrical box they stated was good cost me $4000 to upgrade because it was overloaded. During the inspection they claimed there was no access to perform the sewer cam inspection.

After purchase a plumber performed the sewer inspection due to slow drainage, to reveal the tree roots were pushing the clay sanitary line, a copy of the video was given to me, estimated cost to install new pipes and a clean out trap at the street $15K, the plumber offered financing, at the time.

The city offered me a waiver for the inspection fee of $200 history had already shown me the escrow was higher with each inspection. I could not risk having an inspection and forced to make all the repairs using local contractors who were inflating my repair cost.

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