Content transfered from https://www.posohio.org/utilities.html  August 14,2023

January 07,2023


Since purchasing this property there has been an on going issue with the Internet service from Spectrum . I noticed the Intenet would shut down whenever I started playing my music from my online playlist.

Most notable,my music would be shut down every Friday when I'm cooking/preparing for the Sabbath. On Saturdays, when I'm having video conference calls with my family my Internet would buffer to crawl,and drop the call.

Per Spectrum,your Internet must be down four hours to get credit. My internet is down for less than four hours and then it is at it's slowest where I can still access the Internet and not enough speed to watch videos online or partake in a video conference.

After I published the FCC page about signal jamming in April 5,2022 the signal jamming stopped abruptly.

May 2022, I upgraded my modenm and upgraded my speed to 1G the fastest they offered. This modem lasted a couple of days before it stopped working. A second modem ,two techninans were sent out and hours on the phone in May 2022 resulted in getting speeds between 500 - 700 Mbps. Spectrum claimed it was my devices and that was the most I could achieve.

From May to December I paid for 1G speed and rarely had speed of 500 Mbps.

December 22,2022 my Internet went down prior to the storm and Spectrum made an appointment for the 23rd,which I declined. I was without Internet from the evening of the 22nd of December to the evening of the 26th of December. The Internet went down on the 27th prior to the 7 Cauacasians arrived and the 28th for an hour after I placed the sign back on the yard.

Strangely there was no Internet outage in Cleveland Heights on Spectrum's outage map.

I downgraded my package to 500 Mbps and now I'm getting 200-300Mbps,

Over the past months, I contacted other customers of Spectrum and they too claim they do not get the speed they are paying for and have had several service calls to their homes.

Do youself a favor check your Internet speed if you are not getting your speed make it known.

In my case ,based on the calculated outages someone is working for Spectrum or know someone that works for Spectrum and have a signal blocker.

When you are paying full price for services and getting half or subpar ,that is a form of theft.

In my case, it's the same signal jammer in close proximity that was blocking the radio.

You want to compare your speed on two or more speed tests.

Xfinity SpeedTest

Spectrum Speed Test


December 01,2022

For this test you will need a video recorder .

1. Locate your meter take a picture .

2. Turn off all gas appliances and heat.

3. Record a 2 minute video of the meter.

4. Turn on your gas stove/oven and clothes dryer.

5. Record a 2 minute video of the meter.

6. Turn on your heater at 70 degrees .

7. Record a 2 minute video of the meter.

8. Take a picture of your meter.

Every time those dials move that's money in motion coming out of your pocket.

What you will notice is the half foot dial on the meter will be sweeping like a second hand on a watch when the heater is on .This is your high @@@ gas bill in motion. You may want to switch to electric heating. NOPEC is not on my electric bill so there are no extra fees to supply electric.

Photo taken November 28,2022


December 01,2022


Dominion sent me two emails and one postcard in October ,that they needed access to their meter for an inspection and failure to do so may result in shutting off my gas. Their timing was questionable.

Per Dominion, I was past due, it should have happened in August 2022, because the last inspection was August 2019 and it is required by the Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) every 36 months.

No notices were sent July or August 2022, the notices were sent October 17, & 19,2022 right around the tax board hearing .

FYI- I did not submit any photos to the BOR and coincidently I get an inspection. I was given until November 28, 2022 ( 40 days )to comply or my gas would be shut off.

On November 28,2022 I complied to avoid my gas shut off.

After scanning the Internet I found a few articles that made the news ,where customers gas were shut off for failure to have inspection performed.

Per a Manager at Dominion (Chris) ,he stated " its not required in all states". So why is Ohio required?

The inspections are questionable because they are not doing them by streets but rather everyone have different dates to perform their inspections.

If they have been doing this inspection every three years, they would have a system set up similar to the census, where they would deploy inspectors to the community and notices would be posted or sent that inspection are performed in this area on this date.

The customers have no idea what the technician is doing to the meter and what information is being gathered doing the inspection.

November 28,2022 my gas inspection was performed and recorded. The inspector had a flashlight in one hand and an instrument with a meter in the other hand , placed it around sections of the pipe and the meter. There were no other tools used with the inspection, it lasted less than 2 minutes.

The inspector stated he was checking for gas leaks. The meters are state of the art meters and can detect leaks or errors from their office. Earlier this year the gas company was blocking my driveway, digging up the sidewalk , claiming they had a gas leak.

Photos and a video of the meter were taken prior to the inspector's arrival and after the inspector left.

If you are due for a three year inspection it would be wise to take video of the inspection. Don't allow them on your property without supervision and video recording.

I have owned property all over the country and never had a gas inspection.

Also look at your gas bill NOPEC is the supplier and look at their fees. Again never seen gas bills this high .

Per NOPEC no matter what you do, you have to choose a supplier. For example my gas bill by Dominion was $45.00 NOPEC tacked on another $124 to supply the gas. This is #@#$@##@#!

Below are articles that made the news from customers who did not allow the inspections.

Girard woman put off calls for utility to check the meter, is cut off.

Betty Lin Fisher: Lack of response to Dominion requests for safety inspection can result in shutoff.

Brook Parks man balks at gas inspection.

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