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March 01,2023

Not all churches practice the same, even though they are affiliated with the same denomination.

I need to make it clear to this community, my Holy Days are not your Holidays and vice versa.

My yard and window decorations are my individual practice and freedom of religion/ expression.

What you see from the street is the same up close, there is no need to trample and trespass upon my property to take a closer look at my HOLY freedom of expression.

Because I am doing something that you have never seen you need to send in crackheads to take a closer look.

If you can't stand my decoration call the city,you coward, and have the city send me a letter to remove them or send your goons, to steal them.

There are some sick @@@ people in Cleveland Heights that need to police everybody yard,peace and enjoyment because they don't have something on their yard or it doesn't fit within their holiday schedule.

Noboby went on the mega church property, when they had ribbons and sign boards with letters on a stick stretched across their property,photos on the sign page. Wonder where they get the idea to have ribbons.

If you need my decorations off my yard, sign a block petition and submit it to the city.

People watching my property like a hawk,keep watching my ribbons blow in the wind and calm your silly,sick,sour @@@ down. Who I'm talking to is YOU, the hatemongers behind this hate campaign. If the shoe fit wear it.

Thanks again for the confirmation.

John 15:18-19


Know Your True Heritage


The day you know your true heritage is the day you become dangerous to society and hated by the world (Matthew 10:22).

As with any group there are subgroups within that group. Anytime the truth is spoken it is buried or they smear the messenger's name.

I will share with you a link to start your journey and from there it will take you to other information or you will accept who you are in the present state. I make no comminsion or kickbacks for pointing you to this link. It's empowerment information that I'm sharing. Many years ago someone gave me a link that changed my life for the better and I'm simply returning the favor.


Hidden Hebrews



Over the past two years, I have been invited to local churches in Cleveland Heights and respectfully declined them all. That is diversity in action, I don't have to attend your church to respect your beliefs and vice versa.

Bill Gates, proclaimed to be an atheists, how many churches told their congregation to boycott and quit working for Microsoft? None.

He became one of the richest men in the world and his products, to this day, are purchased from faith based groups who are employed by Microsoft.

Now, let a person move into the community, society will collectively blackball, harass, violate their civil rights because their faith is not mainstream, like theirs, or has been listed as a hate group with no supporting information.

No persons in my faith group have ever hijacked a plane, bombed a building, molested a child, created a riot, swindled money, protested against the government, lynched, murdered, stole land, enslaved a person or convicted of any hate crimes.

The First Amendment was written to protect citizen's right, to practice or not practice religion and freedom of speech.

For some law abiding citizens, in the United States, those are words on paper and do not apply to them.

Rumor mills about a person's faith, spread like a wild fire within the community, county, state and across the country, to ostracize and cause mental abuse to a person, based on ignorance and jack ball assumptions from mainstream faith groups.

These rumor mills are breeding grounds for generational hate.

Children growing up in this dung, more than likely will form hate towards a certain group because their parents taught them this bull crap.

If you are not one of the approved mainstream religions, your choice of faith is a hate message and the public will collectively ridicule you, for your choices, in hopes you crawl back to one of the acceptable religions.

There are some religions that have caused life long injuries, with million dollar lawsuits, awarded to those they injured, They are not deemed a danger to society, listed on any hate group, cult or sexual predator watch list.

The faith groups that were sued for their violations have not stop teaching or closed their doors, due to lack of attendance.

In fact, they are able to reach a global audience via their televised and Internet broadcasting networks. Donations pour in by the millions of dollars to support, protect their faith and beliefs.

Being a part of a certain faith group your civil rights may be violated by any and everyone.

Cleveland Heights claims to welcome the diversity of all faith. Again, I beg the differ.

Diversity in religion is understanding and accepting that each individual is unique in their religious beliefs.

Persecuting people falsely without confirming or having any supporting documents are extreme levels of ignorance and hate.

The Amish community live in accordance to the Bible, but I cannot.

The Amish are able to buy acres of land, to farm and live off the land for generations without interference.

People of Color cannot do this, as many attempts have been tried, people are murdered, given unjust prison time, and land stolen were the results of forcing us back into the cities under select enforcement.

Dana Dorsey was a millionaire businessman, former owner, what is now Fisher Island, he was unable to get construction crews to develop the land for People of Color.

He ended up selling to the Vanderbilt family, who had no problem getting construction crews to build a resort for the wealthy majority in the early 1900's.

Black Wall Street, in Oklahoma, was intentionally burned to the ground, straight up hate, a massacre of professional business owners.

Who out of necessity, to render services to their own people, built a thriving prosperous town with lawyers, doctors, goods and services with their own money and labor.

One hundred years later that tragedy is relived and capitalized with documentaries, movies and a museum.

How is it when I interpret the Bible, it is a hate message and when others do the same, they are expressing their freedom of speech and religion?

Throughout the country certain faith groups are labeled as hate groups because they are reading and quoting scriptures from the BIBLE.

Why is faith included in the POS? Based on my experience, I believe it is my faith, coupled with my race, that the city ordinances are allegedly, selectively applied to me, oppose to others who have their faith institutions listed on Cleveland Heights website.

The faith group, that I am affiliated with, we are simply living our everyday lives in accordance to the BIBLE.

Apparently my faith group is excluded from having freedom of religion and added to the hate list database, for reading and applying the BIBLE to our daily lives.

The only crimes that I see being committed are a long lists of blatant crimes, where I am the victim.

Every time I place decorations outside for my Holy days, here come the religious regulators.

Video clips of their works of destruction will be uploaded on You Tube, it is too much to discuss or believe without video.

There are no members in my faith group that I am affiliated are standing on street corners, protesting other faith groups, freedom of religion or their days of celebrations.

Apparently, the rumor mills have me confused with some other group and lumped me into this group to justify their hate.

Bottom line it's the need for absolute control over a certain group of people.

In my experience, if you read and apply the whole Bible you get the whole TRUTH!

All not Equal nor Welcome!!!

Hebrews Chapter 11

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